Divorce is always hard on a family and the children need to have special consideration in how everything is handled. When it comes to custody, a good plan needs to be put in place so that both parents share the time with the kids. If you are divorcing and living apart over a long distance, this plan will be even more critical so everyone understands the expectations. Deciding Custody Before a plan can be put in place, the custody of the children needs to be decided.
19 December 2016
Most people know someone who has gone through a divorce. You may have a family member or loved one who has been divorced, or you may have seen it from afar, like a neighbor. Regardless, you are probably familiar with divorce and might even feel that you know what to expect with a divorce. It is important that if you choose to divorce that you understand that there are mistakes you can make, and these mistakes will cost you.
30 November 2016
When you are the innocent party in an auto accident, you have the right to file a claim with the responsible party's insurance company. If the other driver is not insured, you will have to explore other options to receive compensation for your damages. Before taking action it is important to understand what your options are. File a Lawsuit Depending on the state in which you live, you could possibly file a lawsuit against the responsible party.
7 November 2016
When you have an established custody arrangement set by the court, it can be difficult to get the arrangement modified for reasons of convenience. Once you have gone through the process of creating and agreeing to an arrangement, you will have to file a motion for modification to get it changed. You must be able to prove that there has been a material change of circumstances while arguing your motion. This change can work for you both ways, either to gain you more visitation and custody or for you to lose some of your custodial rights.
18 October 2016
When you are going after a personal injury case in order to receive financial compensation for medical injuries, it is vitally important that you understand the concept of maximum medical improvements. What Maximum Medical Improvement Means Maximum Medical Improvement is often referred to by lawyers and doctors as MMI. Many people wrongly assume that MMI means that you have reached a point where you no longer are in need of any medical care.
28 September 2016
If you had recently been in trouble and failed to appear for your court date, there is a good chance the court may have issued a warrant. There are two main types of warrants courts issue, but both types need to be addressed as quickly as possible. Here are several tips to help you know how to handle this. Find Out If There Is a Warrant The first thing you may want to do is spend time researching your case to find out if there is a warrant out for you.
9 September 2016
Now that you've graduated high school, it's time to head off to college. Time to set off on a new adventure and meet new people. It's also time for you to plan for your future. If law school is in your future, the first couple of years of college are going to be crucial. This is where you're going to build the foundation for your chosen career. To get you started on your quest, here are three steps you should take while you're working on your undergrad.
19 August 2016
Having a tax accountant file your taxes for you is a great way to protect yourself and save money on your taxes. Even though you will have to pay the accountant a fee to do it, the amount of money that they can save you and the peace of mind in knowing they were done correctly far outweigh the fee you will pay. However, if you choose to hire a tax accountant there are a couple things you should do to ensure the best outcome possible.
2 August 2016
There are few experiences in life that can be more stressful or frightening than being formally charged with a crime. Sadly, there are many people that are unsure of what they should expect from the criminal justice system. To help you be better prepared for the legal aspects of this situation, you might need to have a few questions answered. What If The Bail Is Set Too High? In order to allow individuals to help formulate their defense and to minimize disruptions to the lives of defendants, the court system allows individuals to post bail so that they will be able to leave jail until their trial date.
19 July 2016
If you are injured at work, you should get treatment, receive workers' compensation benefits, and resume work once you are healed. That is the ideal process, and some people actually benefit from it without the need of a lawyer. However, you need a lawyer for your work-related-injury issues if: You Have Serious Injuries If your injury keeps you from work for a few weeks and doesn't leave you with any permanent disability, then you may be able to handle it without a lawyer's input provided there are no other complications.
3 July 2016