Now that you've graduated high school, it's time to head off to college. Time to set off on a new adventure and meet new people. It's also time for you to plan for your future. If law school is in your future, the first couple of years of college are going to be crucial. This is where you're going to build the foundation for your chosen career. To get you started on your quest, here are three steps you should take while you're working on your undergrad.
Get to Know Your Professors
You're probably wondering why this is listed first. Simply put, you're going to need recommendations from professors when it comes time to apply for law school. If you're just a name on the roster, your professors are going to have a hard time giving you a glowing recommendation. However, if you've taken the time to schedule appointments during office hours, or you've stayed after class to visit with your professors, they're going to remember you, and they'll have a much easier time going beyond the basic information when it comes time to write a recommendation for you.
Become an Active Participant
When you apply to law schools, they're going to want to see more than just your GPA. They'll have hundreds of students with good GPAs. You want your application to stand above all the rest. That's where your extracurricular activities come in to play. Get involved in activities that will allow you to practice your leadership skills, such as ASB, or campus political clubs. Not only will these activities look good on your applications, they'll also give you the opportunity to hone your skills as a leader.
Choose Your Courses Wisely
You might think that choosing classes that will guarantee you an easy A are the best way to improve your chances of getting into law school. Unfortunately, that's not necessarily true. Instead of choosing classes that will give you that automatic A, choose classes that will make you think. It's those critical thinking skills that you gain from challenging yourself that will get you noticed when it comes time to apply for law school.
It's your first year of college. If you're planning on law school, now's the time to start preparing. Use the tips provided here to get you started on your path to law school. For more information, check out a site like
Share19 August 2016
Although I am far from perfect, I have focused on abiding by the local laws for the vast majority of my life. Unfortunately, about five years ago, I realized that I was being accused of a crime that I didn't commit. I thought about letting the trial run its course, but then I realized that fighting would be important to ensure my future. I teamed up with a great lawyer, and things became much easier overnight. My legal counsel told me what to do and what to avoid, and he was able to prove the facts in a court of law. This blog is all about choosing to fight charges.